Corporate Risk Solutions thoroughly understands the impact that claims costs and expenses have on your organization’s bottom line. Our claims management staff offers comprehensive services to design, develop, implement, and monitor value-added claims costs control programs. We will work closely with you to assist with routine and more involved claim issues, involving insurance carriers and third party administrators. We will assist in the claims process from beginning to end, acting as your advocate, providing proactive claim services.
Claim Reporting Guidance
We offer these solutions to help you report claims:
Forms for you to use in handling routine loss, claim, and reporting situations.
Advice on how to work with an employee to get him or her back to work.
Emergency telephone and after-hours pager numbers.
Comprehensive claims reporting guide.
Quick reference guides for distribution to members of your staff, so they know what to do after an accident.
The option of direct reporting to the insurance company or to our claims departments.
Corporate Risk Solutions will monitor and evaluate your claims, adjusting your company’s performance through a quality control audit. Ideally, these audits are anticipatory and preventative in dealing with identified problems.
Reserve Reviews
Reserving is the key to any successful operation. Reserves are sums of money set aside to cover future obligations and liability. Many third party administrators and insurers reserve for injury exposures without factoring in the need for liability reserves. Corporate Risk Solutions reviews reserves and negotiates reductions as appropriate.
Best Practice Reviews
We know (1) what to look for, (2) how to probe deeply into claims practices, and (3) methods of comparing one claim to another.
Third Party Selection
We help you examine cost considerations and service options when choosing a third party administrator.
Settlement Evaluation
Most cases are settled and do not go to trial. We provide oversight and work with the claims adjusting service to move cases toward early resolution, with inexpensive settlements. We are experienced in structuring settlements and exploring alternative dispute resolution options.
We work with the claims handler to:
Explore settlements at early stages
Simplify decisions for necessary discovery
Prepare for trial
Find and use expert witnesses
Litigation Management
We set guidelines for the claims handlers to do as much investigation and early planning as possible. We provide support and collaborate on the investigation strategy settlement and strategy. We check to see that the claim representative develops a plan of action and budget in the litigation process.
Subrogation/Second Injury Reviews
Subrogation is the transfer of the legal right of recovery. Second injury funds exist in most states, that allow reimbursement of some expenses incurred for workers’ compensation claims. We review your claim to ensure that the claim representative pursues recovery when available.
No claims service provider can manage claims effectively without your company’s interest and involvement. We customize training seminars to educate your employees on what they can do to help control claim costs.
Our training seminars include:
Claim reporting procedures
Overview of state laws that impact a claim
Return to work programs
Selecting a medical provider
Successful accident investigation key items
Loss Control Integration
Paying claims does not need to mean losing money. Our claims department is often the first to recognize problems within your organization because we are listening to your employees on a daily basis. We provide loss control services with feedback on trends we observe, and we provide common sense remedies to prevent similar claims from happening.
These guidelines cover (but are not limited to) the following items:
Frequency and need to provide captioned reports/claim reviews
Settlement and reserve authority
Billing alert thresholds
Client contact information
Selection of defense counsel